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Philips Pm5326 free download

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R F signal generator lnst ruction manual 9499 5 2 0 0 8 0 0 2 Qservice ----- This Document is a complete scan from the Original Tektronix Manual ----- Qservice Please note In correspondence concerning this instrument, please quote the type number and serial number a given on the s type plate. Bitte beachten Bei Schriftwechsel ijber dieses Gerat wird gebeten, die Typennummer und die Geratenummer anzugeben. Diese befinden sich auf dem Typenschild an der Ruckseite des Gerates. Noter s. v. p. Dans votre correspondance et dans vos reclamations s rapportant B cet appareil, veuillez toujours indiquer le e numero de type et le numero de serie qui sont marques sur l a plaquette de caracteristiques. important As the instrument is an electrical apparatus, it may be operated only by trained personnel. Maintenance and repairs may also be carried out only by qualified personnel. Wichtig Da das Gerat ein elektrisches Betriebsmittel ist, darf die Bedienung nur durch eingewiesenes Personal erfolgen. Wartung und Reparatur durfen nur von geschultem, fach- und sachkundigem Personal durchgefuhrt werden. lmportant Comme I'instrument est un equipement Blectrique, le service doit &re assure par du personnel qualifie. De &me, I'entretien et les reparations sont B confier aux personnes suffisement qualifies. @ Philipr GmbH - Hamburg - Germany - 1979 All rights are strictly reserved. Reproduction or divulgation in any form whatsoever is not permitted without written authority f r o m the copyright owner. Issued by Philips G m b H - Werk fur Messtechnik Printed in Germany CONTENTS GENERAL l ntroduction Technical data Accessories Operating principle INSTALLATION Safety regulations Mounting Earthing Dismantling the instrument Mains connection OPERATING INSTRUCTION Controls and sockets Operation and application Application examples SERVICE PART Circuit description Access to parts Check and adjustment Check after repair and maintenance Parts list LIST OF FIGURES Block diagram, complete Front view Amplitude modulation Frequency modulation, adjustment of carrier frequency Wobbling with adjustable frequency marker, adjustment of centre frequency (RF center) Wobbling with adjustable frequency marker spectrum External frequency counter; generator for 1 kHz sine, 3 - 30 Hz mains frequency with phase shifter Front view, mechanical parts Top view Bottom view Unit 1 U

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