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Now downloading free:HP 13220-91088 2623A Processor Module Aug81

HP 13220-91088 2623A Processor Module Aug81 free download

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HP 1 ~52~~ 0 PROCESSOR MODULE Manual Part No. 13220-91088 REVISED AUG-1.4-B1 DATA TERMINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION HEWLETT~PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 13220 13220-91088/02 Processor Module REV AUG-14-81 1.0 INTRODUCTION The 02620-60088 Processor PCA perforMs the terMinal logic functions for the 2623A terMinal. Its operation is based on the Z80A Microprocessor, National SeMiconductor 8367 CRT Controller (eRTC), and a proM based Microsequenced graphics controller. The control and I/O section of the Processor peA provides control signals, input/output and data processing functions. The MeMory section provides 16K bytes of dynaMic RAM for character display MeMory, scratch pad MeMory, data buffers and space for up to six 4K or 8K byte ROMs of which 40K are used for cOMplete terMinal operation (4K of ROM optional with integral printer). The Graphics MeMory subsysteM contains 16K words (16K X 16) of vector display MeMory. The Graphics subsysteM is responsible for both write and display refresh of the graphics MeMory. The video control section provides tiMing signals for driving the sweep circuitry and video logic as well as perforMing direct MeMory access (DMA) of display data. A detailed description of the operation of each of these sections follows in section 3.0. 2.0 OPERATING PARAMETERS. A sUMMary of operating paraMeters for the Processor Module is contained in tables 1.0 through 4.0 Table 1.0 Physical ParaMeters Part Size (L x W x D) Weight 1 NUMber 1 NOMenclature 1 +/-0.1 Inches 1 (Pounds) 1 1=================1======================1==========================1==========1 1 1 1 ' I 1 1 1 1 1 I 02620-60088 , Processor peA I 12.3 x 10.9 x O.S I 1.4 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 ================================================================================ PROCESSOR MODULE Manual Part No. 13220-91088 REVISED

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