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Now downloading free:xerox Whole ALTO World Newsletter 1977-1980

xerox Whole ALTO World Newsletter 1977-1980 free download

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Xerox Private Data Whole ALTO World Newsletter Technology and Tools XEROX December 31, 1977 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS WHOLE ALTO WORLD MEETING - The next Whole Alto World meeting is scheduled to be held from 9AM- 3PM, February 7, 1977 at XEOS in Pasadena. Liz Bond is our hostess. The last page of the newsletter is a flyer announcing the meeting. Please detach your copy and post it on an appropriate bulletin board. See you all at the meeting! GENERAL NOTES WRC JOINS THE NETWORK - On December 17th the line connecting the gateway at Webster with the gateway at PARC became operational. This, and the soon to be installed IFS, will promote the sharing of tools and information, much of which is currently under development at WRC. Attached to the newsletter is a diagram of the current network. HARDWARE CATALOG - The first edition of the Alto Hardware Catalqg is included with this issue of the newsletter. It lists by hardware type, e.g. Printers, Scanners, etc., devices that have been hooked to an Alto or the Ethernet. For an item to be included at least one working, reproducable copy must exist. Gathering this type of information tends to be a hit- or- miss proposition so if you know of an item that should be included, please contact the coordinator. It could save someone a lot of time and effort searching for or designing and building something that already exists. TIME STANDARD CHANGE - The Alto's internal date and time standard is going to be changed because it is: 1) location dependent (WRC's Altos indicate PST), and 2) not monotonic (daylight saving time). The change will involve modifications to the Operating System and subsystems that deal wi th dates and times. It is suggested that users update their disks promptly as subsystems are rereleased. Version 14 of the Operating System and a new release of BRAVO are expected at the end of January. Subsystems that incorporate the time standard changes, such as the afore mentioned BRA va, will SWAT on the current Operating System (version 13). Old subsystems will continue to operate in the current manner on the new Operating System until April 30th when they begin reporting in GNIT. If you maintain such subsystems you should read AltoTinle.bravo and (Taft>Time.tty. Briefly, the current standard is a 32- bit integer denoting the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1901, PST. It is manually reset for Daylight Savings time as appropriate. The new standard will denote the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1901, GMT. This time will be modified by local time zone, begin dayligh

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