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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1950-Short

HP HP-Catalog-1950-Short free download

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Descr: HP Publikacje HP-Catalog-1950-Short.pdf
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OFFERS COMPLETE COVERAGE in electronic test instrumentation Choose the exact electronic test equipment you need from the -hp- line - the world's most complete line of over 200 test instruments. Enjoy the engineering economies of fast, accurate measurements, sturdy dependability, broad applica- tion. Enjoy, too, the "family characteristics" of -hp- instruments-simple operation, minimum adjustment, independence of line voltage and tube changes, generous overload protection, trouble-free performance. These pages give brief details of major -hp- instruments. For specific data or catalogs, write to factory on your letterhead or see your local -hp- representative". ~ Oscillators - Generators - .01 to 10,000,000 cps -hp- 200 SERIES AUDIO OSCILLATORS Frequency Instrument Primary Uses Output Price Range Six standard models. 200A, 200B have trans- -hp- 200A Audio tests 35 cps 10 35 kc 1 watt '22.5v 5120.00 former-coupled out- -hp

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