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Now downloading free:LG LG L30W36 [SM]

LG LG L30W36 [SM] free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTION 1. Application Object 3-2. EDID (The Extended Display These instructions are applied to all of the MODELS of LCD Identification Data) Adjustment MONITOR, MF-02HA. (1) This is the function that is made for the realization of "Plug and Play" which makes possible to use the user environment right after reorganization by communicating with monitor automatically. 2. Notes (1) Because this is not a hot chassis, it is not necessary to use (2) EDID DATA for DVI of MF-02HA an isolation transformer. However, the use of isolation transformer will help protect test instrument. EDID table = (2) Adjustment must be done in the correct order. But, it can 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 be changed in consideration of mass production. _________________________________ (3) The adjustment must be performed in the circumstance of 000 | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 1E 6D 25

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