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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1985-01-02

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1985-01-02 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1985-01-02.pdf

SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1985 F : p T Is etric John Minck, HP Stanford Park Diu. with metric screws although the in- link kits HP provides will also con- ternal structure will remain stand- tain both metric- and inch-threaded At an early point in the USA metri- ard inch-threaded fasteners (in the screws. cation program, Hewlett-Packard older instruments). stated its commitment to a full met- For the technician servicing H P ric position to be consistent with its Instruments with these mixed inch- products, the important thing is to multinational posture in scientific threadeametric-threaded configu- be aware of these coming changes instrumentation and world trade rations should be identified with la- and to be particularly alert to which strategies. HP has taken a phased bels inside each top and bottom cover. fasteners are being used in the par- approach to this metrication and be- There should also be a notification ticular instrument being serviced. In gan by directing an early effort to label attached to the rear panel of other words, don't throw all your ' designing new products with full each such instrument. And as up- screws into one coffee cup. metrics. As those products are intro- dates become available, the operat- duced to the market, and older prod- ing and service manual will carry a u c t s a r e r e t i r e d , t h e l i n e will notification addendum sheet. The HP does not plan to color code the c naturally become more metric. frame parts themselves will have either a n "M' designator or the word metric hardware since such a plan is not deemed any more necessary

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