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Now downloading free:apple BIGMAC Pgmrs Model 6-85

apple BIGMAC Pgmrs Model 6-85 free download

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Rich Page 6/29/85 Programmers Model for the Big Mac Introduction This document describes the Big Mac from the programmers view of the machine which includes a description of the address space map, the system registers and the decoding of the I/O devices and their registers. The Big Mac MMU and decoding logic maps the 32 bit address space of the 68020 into two address spaces, one for RAM and the other for Screen, ROM and I/O. There exists a 5 bit register named the High Decode Map register which controls the position of the ROM and provides a mechanism to limit the number of address bits used for decoding logical addresses. The HOM register can'$rogrammed to cause the high address bits (those above A23) to be significant to the decoding hardware. This allows a range of address space sizes from 24 to 32 bits. In the smallest configuration, the address space is limited to 16Mb and the upper eight bits are insignificant to decoding which will allow software to use the upper eight bits as tags. In the largest configuration, the address space is 4Gb and none of upper bits are available. ~--==:::::::::::::==-:-- __ Address S pace Map CJ (. :J ~ S.LQr RaJ! SCREEN 1 x x x 16Mb 10Mb A23 o 1 1 16Mb -- 8Mb A23 o o ,. 1 '1 32Mb 16Mb A24 *A23 o o o 1 512Mb 256Mb A28* A24 * A23 o o o o 4Gb ---

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