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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1950

HP HP-Catalog-1950 free download

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Original:HP-Catalog-1950 🔎
Descr: HP Publikacje HP-Catalog-1950.pdf
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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curartor: Glenn Robb SUGGESTIONS FOR ORDERING .. Order by Model Number .Always order by catalog Terms ... 30 days net. Unless credit has already been es- model number and name of instrument desired. For example, tablished, shipments will be made c.0.d. All prices are "Model 206A Audio Signal Generator." Whenever possible quoted f.0.b. Palo Alto. mention frequency range or other significant specifications to prevent misunderstanding. Also mention features such as .. Sales Representatives . Sales representatives are maintained in principal cities as a service to our customers. special color, special frequency range, non-standard power Customers are invited to contact the nearest representatives line voltage, etc., and whether cabinet or rack mounting at any time. They will gladly supply technical information, style is desired. help prepare your order and, if desired, forward order to Most Hewlett-Packard instruments are available in either the factory. Orders should be made out to the Hewlett- cabinet or rack mounting. The letter "R" after the model Packard Company and are subject to final acceptance by number indicates rack mounting. For example, "206AR". the Company in Palo Alto. Sales representatives and their addresses are shown on the back cover. Export sales are An additional charge of $5.00 is made for most rack mount- made through Frazar and Hansen, Ltd., 301 Clay Street, ing style instruments. San Francisco 11, California. Orders should be sent direct to the factory and addressed to Hewlett-Packard Company, 395 Page Mill Road, Palo .. Repairs . W h e n returning instruments for repairs, re- Alto, California. All orders are subject to final acceptance calibration, or any other reason, please contact the Hewlett. by the Hewlett-Packard Company. Packard Company for shipping instructions. Give model number, type number, and serial number and as much in- Shipments . . .Unless specifically requested otherwise, formation as possible concerning reason for return. shipments are made by express.

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