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Now downloading free:Intel 1985 iAPX 286 Programmers Reference Manual

Intel 1985 iAPX 286 Programmers Reference Manual free download

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LITERATURE To order Intel Literature write or call: Intel Literature Sales Intel Literature Sales: P.O. Box 58130 (800) 5484725 Santa Clara, CA 95052-8130 Other Inquiries: (800) 538-1876 Use the order blank on the facing page or call our Toll Free Number listed above to order literature. Remember to add your local sales tax and a 10% handling charge for U.S. customers, 20% for Canadian customers. 1986 HANDBOOKS Product Line handbooks contain data sheets, application notes, article reprints and other design information. *PRICE IN NAME ORDER NUMBER U.S. DOLLARS COMPLETE SET OF 9 HANDBOOKS 231003 S120.00 Get a 30% discount off the retail price of $171.00 MEMORY COMPONENTS HANDBOOK 210830 S18.00 MICRO COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK 231658 S18.00 MICRO CONTROLLER HANDBOOK 210918 SI8.!l0 MICROSYSTEM COMPONENTS HANDBOOK 230843 S25.00 Microprocessor and peripherals (2 Volume Set) DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS HANDBOOK 210940 S18.00 OEM SYSTEMS HANDBOOK 210941 S18.00 SOFTWARE HANDBOOK 230786 S18.00 MILITARY HANDBOOK 210461 S18.00 QUALITY/RELIABILITY HANDBOOK 210997 S20.00 PRODUCT GUIDE 210846 No charge Overview of Intel's complete product lines LITERATURE GUIDE 210620 No charge Listing of Intel Literature INTEL PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS 231369 No charge Listing of Packaging types, number of leads, and dimensions *These prices are for the U. S. and Canada only. In Europe and other international locations, please contact your local Intel Sales Office or Distributor for literature prices. iAPX 286 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL INCLUDING THE iAPX 286 NUMERIC SUPPLEMENT 1985 Intel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein. Intel

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