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Now downloading free:HP 98640-90001 7-Channel Analog Input Interface Jul84

HP 98640-90001 7-Channel Analog Input Interface Jul84 free download

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HP Computer Systems HP 98640A 7 -Channel Analog Input Interface Hardware Installation and Reference Manual FIIOW HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HP Computer Systems HP 98640A 7-Channel Analog Input Interface Hardware Installation and Reference Manual r!J~ HEWLETT a!1!II PACKARD Fli.. HEWLETT ~I!.II PACKARD Warranty Statement Hewlett-Packard products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship. For Hewlett-Packard Desktop Computer Division products sold in the U.S.A. and Canada, this warranty applies for ninety (90) days from the date of delivery.* Hewlett-Packard will, at its option, repair or replace equipment which proves to be defective during the warranty period. This warranty includes labor, parts, and surface travel costs, if any. Equipment returned to Hewlett-Packard for repair must be shipped freight prepaid. Repairs necessitated by misuse of the equipment, or by hardware, software, or interfacing not provided by Hewlett-Packard are not covered by this warranty. HP warrants that its software and firmware designated by HP for use with a CPU will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on that CPU. HP does not warrant that the operation of the CPU, software, or firmware will be uninterrupted or error free. NO OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. HEWLETI-PACKARD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. *For other countries, contact your local Sales and Service Office to determine warranty terms. ~ . HEWLETT . a:~ PACKARD ATTENTION: Users of Series 300 Computer Systems Please read this notice berore installing card. The HP 98640A has one application which may pose serious usage problems: In Series 300 machines, the right angle posts which connect the ADC card to its Wire Termination Assembly can short out on the RFI suppression shield of the processor or other card if the cards are in adjacent slots. Since the HP 98640A must be installed in the lower of paired slots, this occurance is likely. There are two possible solutions. The recommended solution is to apply an insulating material (such as electricial tape) to the upper surface of the RFI shield on the processor or other ca rd. The second, while more difficult. is equally effective: Always place the ADC card in a slot where the contacts are cl4early not touching any conductor. This is not always possible due to the installation constraint mentioned above. HP 98640A 7-CHANNEL ANALOG INPUT INTERFACE FOR HP 9000 SERIES 200 COMPUTERS

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