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LG HT904TABHUNLL SI 1376305095 free download

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One Point Repair Instruction No. : AV-HT-2010-06 Registration Date March 15th, 2010 Writer ECO No. Approver Effective Date March 15th, 2010 Serial No. Subject No audio in any function, when you press on the Stand-by/On button. Applicable Model HT564/904/964 No. Location No. Part No. Desc / Spec Remark IC701 ~ 1 Check Via Hole IC704 Symptom Details (How to Duplicate Problem) After pressing the "Stand-by/On" button, you do not hear audio through the speakers in any function. How to troubleshoot (Countermeasure) 1. Measure the voltage CN902 (1,2 and 3 Pin) by multimeter. If the voltage is not about 36V, SMPS Board or other part have defect. 2. Measure the voltage between each speaker output and GND (chassis). If the value is not about 18V (17.7 ~18V DC = 36V/2(half)), the amplifier IC is NG. 3. If one or more of the outputs FL+, FL-, RL+, RL- have abnormal Voltages (Only 10V), then IC701 is suspect. Otherwise, Woo+, Woo- IC702 CEN+, CEN-, Woo+, Woo- IC703 FR+, FR-, RR+, RR- IC704 4. Check the Via Hole Resister Value of IC GVDD Pins. GVDD Pins are Pin1 (GVDD_B), Pin22 (GVDD_C), Pin23 (GVDD_D) and Pin44 (GVDD_A). 5. If you find to open the Via Hole, connect with wire about open the Via Hole. Service Hint (Any Picture / Remark) Measuse the resister value of AMP IC GVDD Pins Via Hole. Multimeter Range : (Resister Value) Nornal Value : 1~2 (Approximate value is short) (For example 107K is abnormal value) One Point Repair Instruction No. : AV-HT-2010-06 TI AMP IC701 ~ 704 (GVDD Pin Check Point) Check the Via Hole Resister Value of IC GVDD Pins. GVDD Pins are Pin1 (GVDD_B), Pin22 (GVDD_C), Pin23 (GVDD_D) and Pin44 (GVDD_A). One Point Repair Instruction No. : AV-HT-2010-06 TI AMP IC701 (GVDD Pin Check Point) (FL+, FL-, RL+, RL-) Soldering Point PIN 44 PIN 23 Connect by wire PIN 1 PIN 22 PIN 23 PIN 44 PIN 22 PIN 1 One Point Repair Instruction No. : AV-HT-2010-06 TI AMP IC702 (GVDD Pin Check Point) (W+, W-) PIN 23 Soldering Point Connect by wire P

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