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TOSHIBA hfe toshiba rd-xs64-sf-sg service en free download

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File name hfe_toshiba_rd-xs64-sf-sg_service_en.pdf

FILE NO. 810-200574 SERVICE MANUAL HDD & DVD RECORDER RD-XS64SF RD-XS64SG SEP. 2005 S CONTENTS 1. Precautions 2. Product Specification 3. Software Update 4. Disassembly and Reassembly 5. Troubleshooting 6. Exploded View and Parts List 7. Electrical Parts List 8. Block Diagram 9. Wiring Diagram 10. PCB Diagrams 11. Schematic Diagrams 12. Operating Instructions 13. Circuit Operating Descriptions 14. Reference Information 1. Precautions 1-1 Safety Precautions 1) Before returning an instrument to the customer, Any measurements not within the limits specified always make a safety check of the entire instrument, herein indicate a potential shock hazard that must including, but not limited to, the following items: be eliminated before returning the instrument to the customer. (1) Be sure that no built-in protective devices are defective or have been defeated during servicing. (READING SHOULD (1)Protective shields are provided to protect both NOT BE ABOVE the technician and the customer. Correctly replace 0.5mA) LEAKAGE all missing protective shields, including any DEVICE CURRENT UNDER TESTER removed for servicing convenience. TEST (2)When reinstalling the chassis and/or other as- TEST ALL sembly in the cabinet, be sure to put back in place EXPOSED METER SURFACES all protective devices, including, but not limited to, nonmetallic control knobs, insulating fish papers, 2-WIRE CORD adjustment and compartment covers/shields, and ALSO TEST WITH EARTH isolation resistor/capacitor networks. Do not oper- PLUG REVERSED GROUND (USING AC ADAPTER ate this instrument or permit it to be operated with- PLUG AS REQUIRED) out all protective devices correctly installed and functioning. Fig. 1-1 AC Leakage Test (2) Be sure that there are no cabinet openings through (4) Insulation Resistance Test Cold Check-(1) Unplug which adults or children might be able to insert

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