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User Manual CM70 Declaration of Conformity We, MAXON CIC Europe Ltd, hereby declare under our sole responsibility, that the product: CB-Radio MAXON CM10/CM70 complies with all the technical regulations applicable to the product in accordance with EU Council Directives, European Standards and national frequency applications: 73/23/EEC, 89/336/EEC and 99/5/EC EN 300 135-2 / EN 300 433-2 EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-13, EN 69050-1 All essential radio test suites have been carried out. Due to the absence of a harmonised standard covering frequency applications, this CB radio may be used on a frequency band allowed in the country where the product is used. An individual licence is required for operating this radio in AM/FM on 40/40 channel in Belgium (BE), Switzerland (CH), Spain (ES) and Italy (IT). In Germany (DE) 80/12, 80/40, 40/12 or 40/40 FM/AM channels are allowed; Czech Republic (CZ) 80 FM only; Estonia (ES), Finland (FI), France (FR), Ireland (IE), Latvia (LV) Netherlands (NL) Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), and Slovakia (SK) the operation on 40/40 channels in AM/FM is licence free and free of charge. CEPT 40CH FM only may be used licence and charges free in ALL EU Member States including Norway (NO) & Iceland (IS), except Austria, where CB radios with multi standard programmable bands are not allowed , and Italy and Malta, where individual licence is required. In order to use this radio in Belgium, Spain and Switzerland, residence must have an individual licence. Users coming from abroad to these countries may freely use the radio in FM mode, while in order to use it in AM mode, they must hold a licence released in their own country. In Great Britain (UK) there is no longer a requirement to possess a Wireless Telegraphy (WT) Act Licence to operate Citizens' Band Radio equipment, providing that the equipment is operated in accordance with the WT (Exemption) (Amendment) Regulations 2006. In Germany, in some border areas, CB radio cannot be used as a base station from channel 41-80. (Refer to local authority (notification office) for details. Travellers arriving in Italy must get an Italian Authorization. Circulation Card for travellers from Germany is necessary in Spain, Finland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Maxon CIC Europe Ltd declares, under their sole responsibility that this apparatus fulfils the requirement of Directive 99/5/EC of the European Parliament and the 9 Council of March of 1999, transposed to the Spanish legislation by means of Real Decree 1890/2000, on November 20th. Maxon CIC Europe Ltd declara, bajo su responsabilidad, que este aparato cumple con lo dispuesto en la Directiva 99/5/EC

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