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SCALAR NETWORK ANALYSIS: AN ATTRACTIVE AND COSl-EFFECTIVE TECHNIQUE FOR TESTING MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Hugo Vitian Network Measurements Division 1400 Fountain Grove Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95401 RF ~ Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition Flio- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD Scalar Network Analysis: an Attractive and Cost-Effective Technique for Testing Microwave Components ABSTRACT Scalar network characterization is an economic alternative to vector network analysis; in particular, in a productive environment where ease-of-use, throughput and low cost are key considerations. However, scalar measurements are not restricted to frequency response measurements on linear networks. Scalar network analyzers are very powerful analysis tools to characterize amplifiers, mixers, modulators, and other components as a function of signal level or control parameter, as well as for cable testing in frequency- and distance-domains. This presentation describes the fundamental measurement concepts and discusses some specific examples. Author: Hugo Vifian, Engineering Section Manager for economy vector network analyzers, HP Network Measurements Division, Santa Rosa, CA. Diplom-Ingenieur and PhD from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, (ETH). With HP since 1969, projects include HP 8755 frequency response test set, HP 8505 RF vector network analyzer, HP 8756 and 8757 scalar network analyzers. 2 INTRODUCTION TO SCALAR NETWORK MEASUREMENTS Introduction: Even though scalar microwave measurements have been made ever since high frequencies were discovered, they were not really addressed, as such, but INTRODUCTION TO SCALAR rather called power measurements or NETWORK MEASUREMENTS VSWR measurements, etc. It was not until modern network analysis with vector error correction was intro- duced that the rather obvious term magnitude or scalar measurements became more popular. 2617 The objectives of this presentation

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