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Now downloading free:HP 98194-60530 Installing and Administering LAN 9000 Software Jul92

HP 98194-60530 Installing and Administering LAN 9000 Software Jul92 free download

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HP 9000 Networking Installing and Administering LAN/9000 Software FliOW HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD Edition 3 E0792 98194-60530 Printed in U.S.A. 07/92 Preface This manual provides information for installing and administering the LAN/9000 product. The LAN/9000 product allows HP 9000 computers to connect to an IEEE 802.3 or Ethernet Local Area Network. The information in this manual is intended for network managers or operators who install and administer LAN/9000. It is assumed the reader is experienced with HP-UX and is familiar with the basics of local and wide area networking. The manual is organized as follows: Chapter 1 "Installing LAN/9000" describes how to install LAN/9000 software. Chapter 2 "Configuring LAN/9000 Using SAM" describes the steps to configure LAN/9000 software automatically using the System Administration Manager (SAM). Chapter 3 "Troubleshooting LAN/9000" provides flowcharts to help diagnose LAN/9000 software and hardware problems. Chapter 4 "Manually Installing and Configuring LAN/9000" describes the steps to build the kernel, create device files, and manually configure LAN/9000 using the vi editor. Chapter 5 "Configuration Commands" provides description of the eisa _config(lM), ifconfig(lM), lanconfig(lM) and route(lM) commands. Chapter 6 "Network Diagnostic Commands" provides descriptions of useful diagnostic utilities. Use these command descriptions as reference information when you are following the troubleshooting procedures in chapter 3. Chapter 7 "Logging and Tracing Commands" describes the commands that activate the comr,non logging and tracing tool, nettl. 3 Chapter 8 "Product Description" describes product structure and relates software components to the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) Reference Model. Chapter 9 "Network Addressing" defines networking terms and explains network interface name and unit, network addresses, and names and subnets. Chapter 10 "LAN Device and Interface Terminology" defines terms used by the I/O system to identify LAN adapters and device files. Appendix A "Installation Error Messages" lists error messages related to loading and configuring LAN/9000 software. AppendixB "Diagnostic Error Messages" lists error messages returned by diagnostic utilities. Appendix C "Network Event Lo

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