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Wavetek 148A free download

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 148A 2 0 MHz AM/FM/PM GENERATOR @ - 1981. - Wavetek THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PRO- PRIETARY TO WAVETEK AND IS SOLELY FOR IN- STRUMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED I N ANY MANNER WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL IN WRITING OF WAVETEK. SAN DIEGO . 9045 Balboa Ave., San Diego, CA 92123 P.O. Box 661, San Diego, Calif. 92112 ' Tel 7141279-2200 TWX 91w352oo7 hhuat l3eeion 6181 Instrument Retease A-3181 1.1 THE MODEL 148A External Trigger: Generator is quiescent until trig- gered by an external signal, then generates one cycle Wavetek Model 148A, 20 MHz AM/FM/PM Generator at the selected frequency. is a precision source of sine, triangle, square, ramp and pulse waveforms plus dc voltage. The waveforms External Gate: Same as external trigger, except gen- may be controlled in symmetry as well as amplitude erator oscillates at the selected frequency for the and dc offset. A built-in modulation generator can duration of the positive state of the external signal modulate frequency, phase and amplitude or modula- plus the time to complete the last cycle. tion may be by an external source. Internal Trigger: Same as external trigger, except that The generator may be run in continuous mode or trig- the modulation generator is internally connected to gered for a single pulse or gated for a burst of pulses. the trigger input of the main generator. Triggering and gating may be by the Model 148 built-in modulation generator or by a n external source. The Internal Gate: Same as external gate, except that the triggered and gated waveform start/stop point is modulation generator is internally connected to the selectable from - 90' through + 90' Start/stop con- . trigger input of the main generator. trol plus dc offset control gives haverwave capability. The main output of waveforms may be attenuated and 3 Modulation Modes offset. A TTL sync pulse is available at main generator frequencies, and the modulation generator waveforms Internal Modulation are available at fixed amplitudes. Setting a front panel modulation switch in the INT position routes the selected modulation function from Frequency of both the main generator and the the modulation amplitude control to the selected mod- modulation generator can be manually controlled at ulating circuits of the main generator. the front

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