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Now downloading free:xerox 19780615 Scavenger Copydisk InitializeDisk

xerox 19780615 Scavenger Copydisk InitializeDisk free download

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Model:19780615 Scavenger Copydisk InitializeDisk 🔎
Original:19780615 Scavenger Copydisk InitializeDisk 🔎
Descr: xerox sdd memos_1978 19780615_Scavenger_Copydisk_InitializeDisk.pdf
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XEROX SDD ARCHIVES I have read and understood Pages _________To _________ )(FRO)( Reviewer Date_ _ __ HUSlNESS SYSTEMS # of Pages_ _R.ef 7g.sJJJ:J -1'-.3 0, System Development Division To: Distribution Date: June 15, 1978 From: W. C. Lynch Location: Palo Alto Subject: Scavenger, Copydisk, Organization: SDD/SD/SSW IPilot In i tializeDisk ~Filed on: [Iris] (Lynch >Scavenger,Memo Copies: Archives Belleville Bergsteinsson Bewley Clark DeSantis Harslem Heinrich Irby Kennedy LeCcsne Liddle Lynch Mendelson Metcalfe Reilly, D. Reiiy, J. Schwartz Sonderegger Szelong Thacker Townsend Wallace Weaver Wick Wickham White Copies: Lauer Redell McJones Purcell DClia! Hankins Jarvis Horsley Murray Kierr Sandman Johnsson Ogus Garner Bowering Introduction The situ2.tion regaidin; ::'.. Scavenger, Copydisk. and InitializeDisk for Oak has been unclear. This EJemO is in:eIlded to report the current Slatus of those items and to propose a resoi\.~:ion of lhe it;2ITiS. D-efini~ions lni:i<:liz<:Disk (Pilot) - A program which takes a Vlrgm disk f:'om the manufacturer and formats it into a Valid Pilot Disk containing no Pilot files. Valid Pilot Disk - a disk pack which has been formented with lh~ proper header, label, and data blocks. In addition, bad spots have been identified, marKed ~lt1ct removed from service. Valid Pilot Volume - A Valid Pilot Disk which additionally conLlins a proper Pilot Volume as described in [Iris]PilotVo!umeFormaLmemo (attached). Copydisk (Alto) - An existing Alto program which makes a bit-for-bit copy of one disk pack on another. Copydisk (Pilot) - A Pilot application client which makes copies of all of the files on the source Pilot disk upon the target Pilot disk. This differs from a bit-far-bit copy in that multiple Fl Ds for mutable Pilot files mllst be avoided. Movedisk (Pilot) - A Pilot application client program which makes a bit-For-bit copy of one Pilo~ disk pack on another.

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