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HP hp compaq pavilion zd8000 quanta nt2 3b DA0NT2MB6F6 free download

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File name:hp compaq pavilion zd8000 quanta nt2 3b DA0NT2MB6F6.pdf
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Original:hp compaq pavilion zd8000 quanta nt2 3b DA0NT2MB6F6 🔎
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File name hp compaq pavilion zd8000 quanta nt2 3b DA0NT2MB6F6.pdf

5 4 3 2 1 REV: 3B Model NT2 M/B BOARD MODEL REV CHANGE LIST Page FM TO NT2 M/B 3A PAGE2: BOM Change R66,R68,R76 from 10K to 0ohm. 1 2B 2 3A PAGE11: Reserve VGARST signal to GPIO pin and detect VGA power control pin. 3 1A PAGE13: BOM change_VGA PCIE_TESTIN need pull low.(ADD R542=10K,DEL R548=10K) 4 2A 3B D PAGE13: ADD 4.7K on TV-OUT select pin. D 5 1A PAGE13: BOM Del U48,R547,R135,R131,R123,C83,C82,C139,L20,R124,R129,R127 , ADD R563,R571,R564 FOR 6 1A disable spread spectrum. 7 2A PAGE14: Change Q64 circuit for VGA_1.5V leakage. 8 1A PAGE14: ADD two Caps for VGACore Voltage quality.. 9 1A PAGE15: STRAP PIN GPIO4 FOR A23 VER FUNCTION (called Reversed_Lanes) NEED PULL-UP.

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