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Figure 8. LCD Display PCB P/N: 254550-001 Rev. 00 Component and Topside Etch Diagram 50 Figure 9. LCD Display PCB P/N: 254550-001 Rev. 00 Component and Bottom Etch Diagram Figure 10. LCD Display PCB P/N: 254550-001 Rev. 01 Component and Topside Etch Diagram 51 Figure 11. LCD Display PCB P/N: 254550-001 Rev. 01 Component and Bottom Etch Diagram Figure 12. LCD Display PCB P/N: 254550-001 Rev. 02 and 03 Component and Topside Etch Diagram 52 Figure 13. LCD Display PCB P/N: 254550-001 Rev. 02 and 03 Component and Bottom Etch Diagram 53 Figure 14. Bass Amplifier PCB P/N: 254574-001 Rev. 00 Component and Etch Layout Diagram 54 Note: PCB P/N: 266469-001 also has solder pads for C26 located next to C22. Figure 15. Bass Amplifier PCB P/N: 254574-001 Rev. 01 Component and Etch Layout Diagram Bass Amplifier PCB P/N: 266469-001 Rev. 00 Component and Etch Layout Diagram 55 Figure 16. Bass Amplifier PCB P/N: 266469-001 Rev. 01 Component and Etch Layout Diagram 56 Figure 17. Bass Amplifier PCB P/N: 268858-001 Rev. 00 Component and Etch Layout Diagram GLOSSARY OF TERMS Aspect Ratio - The shape of the rectangular picture in a TV set. It is the width of the picture relative to the height. Our standard TV picture, is 4 units wide by 3 units high, or 4:3 in aspect ratio. There are currently two standard TV aspect ratios in the U.S., 4:3 and 16:9. Chapter - In DVD-Video, a division of a title. Technically called part of a title (PTT). Component Video - A video system containing three separate color component signals, either red/ green/blue (RGB) or chroma/color difference (YPbPr), in analog or digital form. The MPEG-2 en- coding system used by DVD is based on color-difference component digital video. Composite Video - A single video signal that contains luminance, color and synchronization infor- mation. NTSC and PAL are examples of composite video systems. Dolby Digital

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