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Now downloading free:burroughs 1051281 B6500 Process Handling Aug69

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Reprintedfrom: Proceedings of Fourth Australian Computer Conference By J. C. CLEARY Adelaide~ South Australia August 11-15th~ 1969 Proceedings of Fourth Australian Computer Conference Adelaide, South Australia, 1969 By J. G. Cleary BurroughsCorporation,Pasadena, California,U.S.A. ABSTRACT: The approach to process handling embodied in B6500 hardware and software design and implementation is discussed in this paper. Hardware features necessary to the understanding of the approach are first described. Some aspects of the language ESPOL-an extended ALGOL language used for writing the B6500 Executive System-are presented. The representation of active and inactive processes by active and inactive stacks is discussed. Implementation of process interlocking facilities is described. Some aspects of B6500 core protection are discussed. There follows a description of the usage and implementation of events and the concept of "software interrupt" is introduced and discussed. Finally, it is claimed that the paper demonstrates how the basic B6500 desigu philosophy has assisted in the implemen- tation of process handling. The emphasis throughout the paper is on description of a working system, rather than theoretical discussion. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: Process, processor, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, dynamic relocation, dependentprocess, active process,Algol, event,state vector, tree, locking, queue. COMPUTING REVIEWS CATEGORIES: 4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 4.31, 4.32, 6.20, 6.21. INTRODUCTION DATA WORDS The B6500 is designed for the multiprogramming/multi- 1 0001 000 ! EXPONENT!

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