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Samsung samsung sp 46l5hx j63a rear projector 123 free download

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COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER Chassis : L63A(P) Model : SP46L5HX/XEC COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER CONTENTS 1. Alignment and Adjustments 2. Exploded Views and Parts List 3. Electrical Parts List 4. PCB Diagram 5. Schematic Alignment and Adjustments 1. Alignment and Operation Checks 1-1 To enter the Factory mode and to select the item 1) Press the factory remote control keys in the following sequence : Display->Fcatory 2) Press the user remote control keys in the following sequence : (In the standby mode) Display->Menu->Mute->Power 3) Move to target item with Up/Down cursor key or Channel Up/Down key. 4) Select target item with Left/Right cursor key or Volume Up/Down key. 1. ASI500 (Main) 8. DNIe 2. ASI500 (Sub) 9. L3E7050K (Epson) 3. VPC3230 (Main) 10. M62392E 4. VPC3230 (Sub) 11. DDP1010 (DLP) 5. FLI2200 12. Test Pattern 6. AD9888 13. Option Table 7. CXA2151Q 14. Reset [Factory Main Menu] 1-2 Image position Adjustment 1) Select L3E7050K in Factory Main Menu. 2) Horiziontal Adujustment : Use the sub item H Position (25) of L3E7050K. The default value is 40. 3) Vertical Adjustment : Use the sub item V Position (26) of L3E7050K. The default value is 17. 9. L3E7050K (Epson) 25. H position 40 26. V position 17 1-3 White Balance Adjustment 1) White Balance is individually adjustment per four for each different input modes; Video (RF/VIDEO/Component SD), Component HD, PC and DVI. 2) Lowlight adjustment : - Adjust it by changing Bright R/G/B Center value in DNIe item. - Generally fix Bright G Center value, and change Bright R Center and Bright B center values. - The Brightness of each color will get higher as the value increases. - The default value of Video mode is 117, while it is 128 for Component HD, PC and DVI modes. 8. DNIe 27. Bright R Center 28. Bright G Center 29. Bright B Center Samsung Electronics

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