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ORDER NO. CPD0107001S0 Notebook Computer Supplement- Supplement-20 This is the Service Manual for CF-27 The following areas. M ...for U.S.A. and Canada E ...for U.K. G ...for Germany F ...for France S ...for Sweden T ...for Italy Applied Model: CF-27RJxxAAx This Supplement is issued for replacing LCD panel from Hoshiden's LCD to Toshiba's LCD due to discontinuation of a Hoshiden's LCD panel for this model. The Toshiba's LCD panel is supplied as spare parts for this model from now on. Note: 1. The spare parts is available as a Kit Parts "P/N: DFWV99B0077", and the DFWV99B0077 is the whole parts Kit for replacing LCD panel. 2. It is necessary to change the some component parts on a Main PCB simultaneously, when replacing LCD panel from Hoshiden's LCD to Toshiba's LCD. The Component Parts Kit for the Main PCB is "P/N: DFWV99A0055" included in the whole parts Kit "DFWV99B0077". PART NO. REF. NO. and AREA DESCRIPTION Q'TY ORIGINAL NEW ---------------- DFWV99B0077 KIT, LCD SERVICE PARTS 1 E 7 ECXF6314D ---------------- PCB, INVERTER 1->0 E 7 ---------------- ECXF6314G PCB, INVERTER 0->1 E 18 DL3DE0137AAA ---------------- UNIT, LCD 1->0 E 18 ---------------- DL3DE0144CAA UNIT, LCD 0->1 K 3 DFWV80A0233 ---------------- ASS'Y, CABINET, LCD FRONT 1->0 K 3 ---------------- DFWV80A0251 ASS'Y, CABINET, LCD FRONT 0->1 ---------------- DFWV99A0055 KIT, ELECTRIC PARTS 1 C 512 514 515 ---------------- ECUV1C104ZFV CAPACITOR, 16V, 0.1F 0->3 C 513 ---------------- DCUJ1A105ZFL CAPACITOR, 10V, 1F 0->1 C 516 ---------------- DCUE1A106ZFL CAPACITOR, 10V, 10F 0->1 IC 78 ---------------- DAC63M63AX3H IC, LVDS 0->1 L 93 94 ---------------- DDB5Z005-L FERRITE BEAD 0->2 L118 119 121 123 DDB5Z021F-Y ---------------- FERRITE BEAD 8->0 124 126 128 129 ---------------- DFWV99A0056

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