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File name:xdebug.signals_Sep78.pdf
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Size:134 kB
Model:xdebug.signals Sep78 🔎
Original:xdebug.signals Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug xdebug.signals_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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xdebug.signals 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1 XDebug.image -- 31-Aug-78 14:41:10 173760B Resident 2018 UnboundProcedure 205B StartFault 211B Codelnconsistency 215B ParityError 221B PhantomParityError 173754B Signaller 4018 SendMsgSignal 405B ResumeError 173740B DiskIO 601B RetryableDiskError 605B UnrecoverableDiskError 611B DiskCheckError 173314B Swapper 1001B SwapError 1005B SegmentFault 1011B InsufficientVM 1015B VMnotFree l021B InvalidObject 173040B LoaderUtilities 2001B FileNotFound 1730248 LoadState 2201B LoadStateFull 173014B Loader 26018 LoaderError 2605B Invalid8cd 2611B InvalidFile 2615B VersionMismatch 172774B Process 3001B Aborted 3005B TimedOut 30118 TooManyProcesses 3015B InvalidProcess 1727708 Directory 3201B 8adFilename 3205B BadDirectory 172754B DiskKD 34018 DiskFull 1727448 NonResident 4001B NoGlobalFrameSlots 4005B StackError 40116 PortFault 4015B LinkageFault 40216 Control Fault 40256 InvalidGlobalFrame 172730B Segments 4401B InvalidSegmentSize 4405B InvalidFP 172724B Strings 5001B StringBoundsFault 5005B bcplStringOverflow 5011B mesaStringOverflow 5015B Overflow 5021B InvalidNumber 172714B Files 5201B FileError 5205B FileNameError 5211B FileAccessError xdebug.signals 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 2 1727108 StreamsA 5601B StreamError 172700B FSP 6201B ZoneTooSmall 6205B InvalidZone 6211B NodeLoop 6215B InvalidNode 6221B NoRoomInZone 172570B RectanglesA 6401B RectangleError 1725208 RectanglesB 66018 8itmapError 172500B StreamIO 72018 Rubout 72058 LineOverflow 1722008 TimeConvert 10201B InvalidTime 172170B ExternalLoadState 104018 LoadStatelnvalid 171454B DebugCache 10601B NonExistentMemoryPage 106058 InvalidAddress 171444B DebugPilotCache 11001B BadMapLogEntry 1713408 ExternalUtilities 11201B tnitDebugger 11205B InitUCSHandler 112118 InitMapCleanup 112158 DebuggerError 171200B DebugUtilities 122018 DebugProceed 12205B DebugAbort 12211B Control DEL 122158 Quit 12221B LookupFail 12225B KillSession 122318 CommandNotAllowed 171164B BreakPt 126016 bpError 126056 8reakPointError 12611B InvalidCondition 12615B TooManyConditions 1711606 Debugger 132018 ClobberedAccessLink 13205B SymbolTableNotFound 1711548 DumpVars 13401B EnteringVPart 134058 InvalidGFTlndex 13411B LinkslnCode 171150B DumpUtils 13601B AmIaRecord 1711448 DumpFrames 140018 QuitDump 14005B NextFrame 14011B NewFrame 14015B ClobberedFrame 14021B NoPreviousFrame 171140B DebugConfig 144016 IncorrectVersion xdebug.signals 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 3 1711308 DebugContext 150018 Multiplelnstances 150058 InvalidGlobalFrame 150118 InvalidlmageFile 1711208 DebugProcess 152018 InvalidPS8 171104B Stmt

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