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Now downloading free:xerox 19790405 Notex Program Description

xerox 19790405 Notex Program Description free download

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Model:19790405 Notex Program Description 🔎
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Descr: xerox notetaker memos 19790405_Notex_Program_Description.pdf
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Notex Program Description Version 5.2 April 5, 1979 This program serves as a tool for aiding in the initial system integration and subsequent acceptance testing for the NoteTaker system under the control of an Alto. The program operates via the Hytype interface with an appropriate debugger module plugged into the NoteTaker. Notex allows the user to load programs into the Note Taker memory, to access the programs and to display messages from the programs. Notex also provides a wide range of utility debugger features for the user which are described in other sections of this document. The Notex user interface is patterned after a maintainence panel which has some alpha numeric capability. The panel buttons are manipulated by use of the mouse, all selections are made with the mouse, and numerical input is done via the keyboard. Figure 1 is a description of the user interface display. The display is partitioned into four sections. The top section is called the Status Display Section and contains operational status from NoteTaker. The second section is called the Command Select Section and contains the operational command selections which are selected with the mouse. The third section is called the Debugger Section and contains related debugger selections and parameter input all of which are selected with the mouse. The fourth section is called the Data Display Section and this is where all the messages to the user will appear. Status Displav Section This section indicates the

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