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Now downloading free:AIWA cxz-ht545 203

AIWA cxz-ht545 203 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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Z-HT545 K SERVICE MANUAL COMPACT DISC BASIC TAPE MECHANISM : ZZM-3 PR1NM STEREO SYSTEM BASIC CD MECHANISM : BZG-5 ZD3N1M CD REMOTE SYSTEM CASSEIVER SPEAKER CONTROLLER SXZL520 ZHT545 CXZHT545 RCZAS10 SXCR677 This Service Manual contains information about the difference between Z-HT545 and Z-HT540 . If requiring other information, see Service Manual of Z-HT540 , (S/M Code No. 09-016-446-7R1). If requiring information about the CD mechanism, see Service Manual of BZG-5, (S/M Code No. 09-00C-353-3N2). NT ME LE A PP DAT S/M Code No. 09-01A-446-7S1 SU SPECIFICATIONS Tuning range 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz Track format 4 tracks, 2 channels stereo Usable sensitivity (IHF) 13.2 dBf Frequency response 50 Hz 10000 Hz Antenna terminals 75 ohms (unbalanced) Recording system AC bias Heads Deck 1 : Playback head x 1 Deck 2 : Recording/playback x 1, Tuning range 531 kHz to 1602 kHz (9 kHz step) Erase head x 1 530 kHz to 1710 kHz (10 kHz step) Usable sensitivity 350

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