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Lafayette Lafayette-LR-9090-Service-Manual free download

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R fO mt hi'ti (ompone ntr- lafayette IB-9090 -ffrodulor Pages 33-42 Courtesy of LAFAYETTE MDIO ELECTRONIcs AM ATIGNMENT-SELECTOR IN AM POSITION Connect generator across loop f,ashioned of several turns of wire. Set volune at naxinun. GENERATOR RADIO DIAL INDICATOR ADJUST REMARKS FREQUENCY SETTING 45Skt{z Tuning gang Output meter Adjust for maxirnum. Repeat until 40 0 -hert z ful 1y open across voice coil CF4 no further irnprovement is noted. Modu I at ion 60 0kHz 6 00kt Iz il T4 Adjust for maximum. 1640k[{z 1640kllz il cr7, cr6 , T3 Adjust for maximum. 140OkHz 1400k1{z cr5 Adjust f or maximum. Repeat Alt al ignment until no further improvement is noted. FM IF ALIGNMENT USING FM SIGNAL GENERATOR-SELECTOR IN FM POSITION High side of generator thru .001uF to Base FTR3. Use 60-hertz, frequency-modulated signal, 450ktlz sweep. Use 60-hertz sawtooth voltage in scope for horizontal deflection. GENERATOR RADIO DIAL INDICATOR ADJUST REMARKS FREQUENCY SETTING T0 "7MHz Po int of non- Vert input of T2 , FTs (1) Disconnect stabilizing capacitor 450kHz Sweep int erferenc e scope to T1, L3 Adjust for maximurn gain and symmetry Junction of response similar to Fig. 1. Re connect I Vert input of r1 (1) Adjust Tl for maximum amplitude scope to posi- and straightness of line, similar to tive end CzS Fig . 2. FM RF ATIGNMENT.-SELECTOR IN FM POSITION Connect generator across antenna terrninals with lz}-ohm carbon resistor 1n series with each 1ead. Adjustment of coils by bending should not be attempted unless the coil l-s deformed or replaced. GENERATOR

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