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INSTRUCTION MANUAL Tmktmnix, Inc. R.O. Box 500 gemrenon. Oregon 97005 WARRANTY All 'rEKTRONI>: imhrrnm ~ P are waI*ranted asai nst I r def eeltive materialm and workrnunship for one year. Pbny question$ with respect t o the u uld be taken UP . . with your T f KTAONIX FieW Enginmr o representat! r All r quests for 1 c PI-rn 1 ... in youl .-. .15m. T* .,,is will - .-.. directed to the TE.KTRONIX f'iekl Office c , BSSU~G - K.. UIm YV-I w e. Please include the innrurnent Tvpe Number or P b ~ u m t and Seria11 Number w ler lue W I G 11. ficationsand p i c e change privileges re! Copy1 .ight 0 1973 by Taktmrrix, Ine.. Bet on. Printed in the United Smes of America. All rights mwrved . Conte,nts of this publication mav not be r q InY form ,without pelntision of Telctronix, lnc. ..and Foreig~ IS. ." . . 'RONIX is a registered t Tekmnix. Ine. TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS lntmdudion Electrical C W m % e d i OPERATlNG INSTRUCTIONS IntnxIuFtion Function d C s Front R s Cartmls dCMmeeton nl Gmeral Oparating Informadon Applicaolont SECTION 3 PERFORMANCE CHECK Inirduetion opamtioml c h d Perfwmanee Verification of Specified F h d r t i a Equipmatt R e q u i d Ch& c k i b r a t w Fraqunnq awl Output Check Frequency Ran* and Display Flatn6n Check lntwmdulation Distwrion SECTION 4 SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS Imdmion Cirmit Doadption Cslibratlon fdnintmmm Preventive- .conective Obtaining Replwmmt Para Soldering Technique Replacing h m M i w and bmporwW \ SECTION 5 OPTIONS AND MODLFlCATlONS LJ SECTION 6 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST SECTION 7 DIAGRAMS SECTIOM 8 MECHANFCAL PARTS LIST AND ACCESSORIES CHANGE INFORMATION Fig. 1.1. 7 K l f CATV Pmmpllfmr. Q SPECIFICATIONS Introduction The fK11 Preamplifier is a 7000Ssries Plug-InUnit that This manual contains inform

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