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Chapter 1 System Introduction Features This computer was designed with the user in mind. Here are just a few of its many features: Platform q Mobile AMD SempronTM processor 3000+ to 3100+ or higher with 128/256 KB L2 cache, supporting AMD Power Now! Technology and AMD HyperTransport technology (for Aspire 3010) q Chipset: ATI RADEONTM XPRESS 200M (for Aspire 3010) q AMD AthlonTM 64 processor 3000+ to 3700+ or higher with 1 MB L2 cache, supporting AMD HyperTransportTM technology (for Aspire 5010) q Chipset: ATI RADEONTM XPRESS 200M (for Aspire 5010) Memory q 256/512 MB of DDR333 memory, upgradeable to 2 GB using dual soDIMM modules Display q 15" XGA color TFT LCD with 1024x768 pixel resolution q 15.4" WXGA TFT LCD with 1280x800 pixel resolution, 16.7 million colors, supporting simulataneous multi-window viewing via Acer GridVista q 15.4" WXGA+ TFT LCD with 1680x1050 pixel resolution, 16.7 million colors, supporting simulataneous multi-window viewing via Acer GridVista Graphics q ATI MOBILITYTM RADEON(R) X600 with 64 MB of DDR video RAM (for Aspire 3010) q ATI MOBILITYTM RADEON(R) X700 with 6/1284 MB of DDR video RAM (for Aspire 5010) q DualViewTM support q MPEG-2/DDVD hardware-assisted capability q S-video/TV-out (NTSC/PAL) support q DVI-D (true digital video interface) support (for Aspire 5010 only) q Aspire-cinema vision video encoded technology q Aspire clear vision video input optimization technology Audio q Audio system with two built-in speakers q ATI MOBILITYTM RADEON(R) X700 with 6/1284 MB of DDR video RAM (for Aspire 5010) q DualViewTM support Storage q 40/60/80/100 GB (4200rpm) or higher ATA/100 hard disk drive Chapter 1 1 Optical media drive q Optical drive options --DVD-Dual --DVD/CD-RW combo q Disc performance compatibility --DVD-Dual Read: 4X DVD+R, 4X DVD+RW, 4X DVD-R, 4X DVD-RW, 8X DVD-ROM, 24X CD-ROM Write: 4X DVD+R, 2.4X DVD+RW, 2X DVD-R, 2X DVD-RW, 16X CD-R, 10X CD-RW --DVD/CD-RW Read: 8X DVD-ROM, 24X CD-ROM Write: 24X CD-R, 10X CD-RW Communication q Modem: 56K ITU V.92 with PTT approval; Wake-on-Ring ready q LAN: 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet (Aspire 3010) or gigabit Ethernet (Aspire 5010); Wake-on-LAN ready q WLAN (optional): integrated Acer InviLinkTM 802.11g Wi-Fi CERTIFIEDTM solution, supporting Acer SignalUp technology q WPAN (optional): integrated Bluetooth

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