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Innovative Signal Generation of Complex Waveforms for Improved Testing Dave Martinez August 1986 RJ ~ Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition FliD'8 HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD Modern electronic design often requires an accurate source of complex signals to accurately test a sys- tem's true performance. But the availability and accuracy of these signals has limited their use. This paper describes how the new, high-performance 125 Megasample/sec HP 8770S Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer system can generate these "real- life" signals to improve testing. Theory and examples of sig- nal simulation are presented to show the system's flexibility to generate almost any signal up to 50 MHz. Also covered are applications such as modeling a filter's response, margin testing, and a discussion of ATE considerations. Author: Dave Martinez, Product Marketing Engineer, Stanford Park Division, Palo Alto, CA. BSEE Stanford University, 1982. With HP since 1983, working with RF & Microwave power meters and the HP 8770S Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer system. 2 Innovative Signal Generation of Complex Waveforms for Improved Testing AWSP1 3 Outline 1. Total performance testing and how it improves product control. 2. Digital Signal Synthesis- A new concept for generating signals. 3. Signals that this new concept can generate. 4. Integrating this new concept with existing test systems. AWSP2 4 Ideal Radar ~ / Transmitted Pulse -II---------~r:M~::M~M:;.M:""'~..- Receiver Video Signal L But real radars and other systems must deal with non-ideal effects. AWSPJ Modern electronic systems have to work with non-ideal signals in non- ideal enviroments. For example, a radar finds a target by detecting the return pulse that is reflected off the target. Many types of distortion can make this difficult to do. Bandwidth limitations can cause ringing or overshoot on the return pulse. Or reflections from the surrounding enviroment can cause clutter that might hide the desired pulse. Parts of the receiver itself may introduce distortion. Sometimes these no

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