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Now downloading free:HP 5957-6560 9133D Sep84

HP 5957-6560 9133D Sep84 free download

MiniDisc audio equipment - players, recorders- JVC, Panasonic, Sharp, Sony - service manuals, repair information and schematics

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[CHAPTER] GENERAL INFORMA TION [ 1 J Introduction 3 The HP 9 I 3 D Disc Memory (Figure I -I) is a random access data storage device. The 91 33D con- tains a 3 1/2-inch double-sided disc drive with a storage capacity of 710 Kbytes and a 5 1/4-inch Winchester disc drive providing a total storage capacity of 15.710 Mbytes. The 9 1 33D uses the SUBSET 80 command set. Figure 1 -1. HP 91 33D Disc Memory Part Number 5957-6560 Date Printed 9/1/84 1-1 GENERAL INFORMATION Technical Specifications PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Double-Sided 3 1/211 Flexible 15 Mbyte Disc Winchester Disc Maximum Formatted Capacity: HP 150 Bytes Per Unit 710 Kbytes 14.8M Bytes per Sector 512 256 Sectors per Track 9 32 Series 200 (BASIC and Pascal) Bytes Per Unit 630 Kbytes 14.8M Bytes Per Sector 256 256 Sectors per Track 16 32 Series 200 (HPUX) Bytes Per Unit 630 Kbytes 16.6M Bytes Per Sector 256 1024 Sectors per Track 16 9 Tracks per Surface 80 303 Surfaces per disc 2 2 (3 platters) Tracks per inch 135 345 Recording Format MFM MFM Max Sustained Transfer Rate* 17 Kbytes/sec 145 Kbytes/sec Average Access Time 497 msec 85 msec: Maximum Access Time 1.742 secs 205 msecs Rotational Speed 600 rpm 3600 rpm * Mainframe and interleave dependent. 1-2 GENERAL INFORMATION ENVIRONMENTAL RANGES 91330 91340 Temperature Operating 10 to 40 degrees C 10 to 40 degrees C (50 to 104 degrees F) (50 to 104 degrees F) Non-Operating -40 to 60 degrees C -40 to 60 degrees C (

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