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Now downloading free:xerox Summary of Smalltalk Message Forms and Intentions Aug74

xerox Summary of Smalltalk Message Forms and Intentions Aug74 free download

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File name Summary_of_Smalltalk_Message_Forms_and_Intentions_Aug74.pdf

SUMMARY OF SMALLT ALK MESSAGE FORMS AND INTENTIONS 'Alc:m C. Kay Xerox Palo Alto Research Center August 1974 ,Of the three parts from which Sl'rli1LLT ALK' communications are bullt--a message f9rm, its intent. ~nd the nctuaf method usc~ to carry out, the intent-- only the Jirst t'vVO, nra, shown' in this notc. The methods have been completely 1 suppressed irrcgnrdlcss 'of how simple they might have been to say. Sfl1ALLTALK is bused :on a simple yet comprehensive model of, the universe:, then:~ are only objects which contain locar memory (or state); the ,objects 'communicate by _sending nnd receiving messages (which are- also ~bJects)i - the objects arc defitled by a class description which' is a collection of properties common to each member of the class and is' specified by giving , recognizers and repIJesto only those messages to which an object In the class Is \vH!in9 to respond. til/NOR DETAILS a. To food your dis/t pacK: If the switch on the left and the light on the tight don't say "Iond lt , then push the switch to "load" and wait for the light. fA previous' user will lea've [l note on the Keyboard if this is not OK.) Pull the door ,open and remove the disk if there. Slide your disk in, close the door and push

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