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Samsung CH7 free download

DVD player, DVD recorder, digital recorder, DVD R - Sony, Panasonic, LG - service manual and repair information

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File name:CH7.pdf
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Model:CH7 🔎
Original:CH7 🔎
Descr: Samsung DVD DVD-HR773 DVD HR775 HR773 HR776 HR777 CH7.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > DVD
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7. Schematic Diagrams 7-1 All block Diagram ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-2 Note For schematic Diagram 7-2 Power------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-3 - Resistors are in ohms, 1/8W unless otherwise noted. 7-3 S.M.P.S_01 (SMPS PCB) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-5 Special note : Most semiconductor devices are electrostatically sensitive and therefore require the special handling techniques described under the "electrostatically sensitive (ES) devices" section of this service manual. 7-4 S.M.P.S_02 (SMPS PCB) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-6 Note : 7-5 MS9411 CODEC (Main PCB) -------------------------------------------------------------------------7-7 Do not use the part number shown on this drawing for ordering. The correct part number is shown in the parts list (may be slightly different or amended since this drawing was prepared). 7-6 DRAM (Main PCB) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-8 Important safety notices : 7-7 ATAPI (Main PCB) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-9 Components identified with the mark have the special characteristics for safety. When replacing any of these components. Use only the same type. 7-8 Bridge SATA TO PATA (Main PCB) --------------------------------------------------------------7-10 7-9 Video Decoder (Main PCB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------7-11 7-10 IO_Micom (Main PCB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-13 7-11 AV_Switching IC (Main PCB) ---------

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