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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91209 8080 Module Apr78

HP 13255-91209 8080 Module Apr78 free download

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HP 13255 PROCESSOR (808uA-2) MODULE ~.nual Part NO. 13255-91209 PRIHTED APR-26-78 rllO- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HP 13255 PROCESSOR (808uA-2) MODULE ~.nual Part NO. 13255-91209 PRIHTED APR-26-78 r~3 HEWLETT ~!tI PACKARD HP 13255 PROCESSOR (8080A-2) MODULE ~.nual Part NO. 13255-91209 PRIHTED APR-26-78 ----~--~-------------~--~-----------~-~--------~-~-~-------~--------~------~-~~- NOTICE The Information contained in this document Is subject to change without notice. HEWLETT-PACKARD MAKES NO WARRANTY' OF AHY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES or MERCHANTABILIT~ AND rIT~ESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hewlett-Pac~ard shall not be liaole for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential da~a~es In connection with the furn1shlng, performance, or use of this material. This docu~ent contains proprietary information which is protectec by copyright. All rights are reserved. NO part of this document may be photocopied or reproduced Without the prior written consent of Hewlett- Packard company. -------~~-----------~----~---------------~--~-----------~-----------~----------- Copyright c 1976 by HEWLETT-PACKARD CO~PANY ~OTE: This document Is part Of the 264XX DATA TERMINAL Droduct series Technical Information Package (HP 13255). ,13255 13255-91209/02 0roc~ssor (S080A-2) Module Rev APR-26-78 1.0 INTRODUCTION. Th~ Procpssor C~OdOA-2) ~Odule funct1on. as the ~a1n control11nq un1t for tne termlnal. The processor fetches InstructIons from me_ory ~nd perfor~s 1/0 operations on otner mOdule. attached to the termInal data bUS (8ackplane Assembly). The 8080A-2 Pr~ces,or MOdule has the capa- blllty of accesslnQ e1tner t~@ standard baCKplane bus or a speclal top ~lane bus defined later In tnis sectlon. 2.0 OPERATING PARA~

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