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Radar System Design and Interference Analysis Using Agilent SystemVue Application Note By David Leiss, Sr. Consultant EEsof EDA Anurag Bhargava, Application Engineer EEsof EDA Agilent Technologies Introduction This application note outlines key features of Agilent's SystemVue software for performing radar system design and jammer/interferer analysis. Some of the key areas to be discussed include how to implement a radar Chirp waveform, design an RF chain for the transmitter and receiver, and perform pulse-compression analysis using fast Fourier transform (FFT) based convolution. Finally, the radar system is tested in the presence of unwanted interference and jamming signals to study the impact of such unwanted impairments on radar performance. 1.0 Custom Signal Generation 1.1 LFM Chirp for Radar System Design SystemVue offers a flexible platform to create custom signals. In the example shown in Figure 1-1, SystemVue floating-point Data Flow components were used to model the LFM Chirp source. The integrator on the left incre- ments time until the value for the pulse period is achieved, causing it to reset and start over. The values for u () and wc (c) are computed as shown in Figure 1-1. (1-1a) (1-1b) Figure 1-1. Custom signal generation using SystemVue DSP library blocks 2 1.0 Custom Signal Generation, Continued 1.2 Custom Signal Generation using MathLang SystemVue offers built-in m-code compatible syntax to be used throughout the program. In Figure 1-2, the LFM Chirp source is defined in a MathLang component. 1.3 Custom Signal Generation using Third-Party Tools SystemVue offers direct links with C++, HDL and MATLAB

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