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Now downloading free:Philips service tips chassis -- --g110

Philips service tips chassis -- --g110 free download

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POWER 1. Fails occasionally. Fault 1: Resolder each connection on the line panel. Fault 2: Check the line end stage transformer (diode divisor). 2. Dead. Fault 1: Check R4059 (BZX79C27). Fault 2: Check dry joints around 3D6, 2D7, 15A15, 15A16 and R3106. Fault 3: Check R3106, 820, R2010 (5K6), R4044 (120K), R3120 (15K) and R4059 (15K). Fault 4: HT ok. Check if D2015 S/C. Fault 5: FS1301/2 blown. Check D4091 and D4092. Fault 6: FS4037 blown. Check D3133, TR2150, C4040, D4021, C4029 and C3135. Fault 7: 148V power supply voltage is around 90V. Sound IC TDA1521 is defective (4822 209 73853). Fault 8: By slowly turning up the power supply voltage, safety switches on at about 50V. Replace diode D6657 (LLZC20) (4822 130 81143). Fault 9: [Power supply kit and C9501 already replaced unsuccessfully]. BUT18AF switches quickly. Try replacing T7651, T7652, D6653, D6646 and D6649 on secondary side. Fault 10: Replace booster capacitor BU508AF (10,082

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