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Pioneer sx 4 5 6 7 arp 047 0 121 free download

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File name sx_4_5_6_7_arp_047_0_121.pdf

cDrJroNEEr{ ORDERNO. photo ARP-047-O Shot/,n tn thb b Model SX-7. COMPUTER CONTROLLED sx-7 STEREORECEIVER sx-6 SX-s.SiX-EiL SX-,QISX-4L . The AM tuner of SX-4L and SX-SL is a two wave-bandtuner with MW (mediumwave)and LW (longwave). Model SX-7 (and SX-6, SX-5 and SX-4) are new types of receivers featuring microcomputers for easier operation. The AM/FM tuner stagesincorpo- rate quartz PLL synthesizers for high stability, while the power amplifier stage is a non-switching amplifier which achieves class A quality with class B efficiency (not included in the SX-4 model). PIoNEEF| ELECTFICINTC CCtFtFCtFtATtCtN 1 chome. Mesu.o ku. rokyo 153. J5p5n U.a. tfcritlaF alaC?Flo|llca CC'FFC,;|AY|C|N a5 orro.d o. ve. Moonach e. New Je.sey O7O74, t)S A FlONaaE aL:ClFlC,l\IC ll(rFC'PC' N.V. Lu thasen Haven I 2O3O A..we.p Berg'um FroNaatl an.actFctNlca aua?FAl-ra ETY. LYo. 1 7a 1Ba Bound ro. s 31 95. aust.6r, F H O A U G . 1 9 8 1 P r i n t e dn l a p a n i BLOCK DIAGRAMS SX.4/KU FM FRONT ENO FM IF AMP A DETECTOR FM MPX STEREO OEMOOULATOR FREQUENCY OISPLAY I F A H P A D E T E C T O RI C ItPx STEREo oEcooR Ic - toon Fx l-- GNo ! TUNING OETECTOR ii#n i*---- l bl PLL SYNT

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