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Now downloading free:Philips SERVICE TIPS FL1[1][1].14 to FL2.26

Philips SERVICE TIPS FL1[1][1].14 to FL2.26 free download

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USEFUL INFO. uP panel without software (ROM). Note: uP panel is universal for entire FLX.Xx (2 digits behind dot) series. :4822 212 30803 Software (ROM) for uP panel. Note: This ROM is universal for entire FLX.Xx (2 digits behind dot) series. :4822 900 10423 Connection of a loop system to TV. Note: A problem usually occurs when connecting a loop system to a modern TV. A solution is available from the hearing aid suppliers in the form of a specific loop system amplifier which is supplied from the mains and which functions with a scart or phono plug signal. With the advice of a specialist a large part of the cost is usually covered by insurance. SOPS kit FL1.16, FL1.17, FL2.16. Note: In chassis documentation of FL1.14 to FL2.16 (4822 727 19921) page 31 under paragraph Various, the following should be added: 4822 310 31993 SOPS repair kit, this kit is meant for 3/4 appliances of aforementioned series. SOPS repair kit listed under Various on page 30 (4822 310 31932) is meant for 16/9 appliances. LFR box 3:4 and 16:9 (R version). Note: Exchange version LFR box can be universally used for FL1.14, FL2.14, FL1.16, and FL2.16 appliances. However this does not guarantee that original production LFR boxes are interchangeable without any problems. LFR box code no. 4822 212 30795R Original LFR boxes: 4822 212 30796, 4822 212 30795 and 4822 212 30857 (4822 212 30587 incorrectly listed in documentation) Product survey correction. Correction of the Product Survey 1993-1. The parts lists of design 1 and 2 of this product survey are reversed. Also the 28" picture tube of design 1 is wrong, this should be: 4822 131 20567 Picture tube A66EAK252X44 REMARKS : In the next Product Survey (july 1993) this sheet will be corrected. Pos. 7244 correction. All diagrams/parts lists of the LFR box show on position 7244 an Integrated Circuit with type number N74F74D. However on this position an IC with type number N74F125D is used. The code number for the correct N74F125D is: 5322 209 61857 REMARKS: The drawing of the IC in the diagram and all connections are correct, only the type number mentioned is incorrect. Modifications during production. 1. *During production week 9334 item 2536 has changed into 1.5nF (4822 126 11501) and item 2545 is added (1nF; 4822 122 31175). Reason: ghost improvement *In week 9335 item 9459 is changed into 220 ohm (4822 116 52215). Reason: To avoid jitter on NTSC. 2. *During production item 2611 on the large signal panel is changed. Item 2611 is changed into 1uF (4822 121 51319). Reason: To avoid east/west failure in cold condition REMARKS: Implemented in production in week 9332. 3. *To reduce the switch-off spot item 3037 has been changed into 1k3 2% 0.25W (4822 051 10132). This modification will be in production from week 9334. Pos. 7551 modification. To improve the reliability of position 7551 (LM358) on the LSP, a diode BZX79-C18 (4822 130 31024) has been added. In sets with production code AG00-09 added between 9240 and pin 8 of position

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