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Pioneer ct 8r arp 096 0 174 free download

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Model:ct 8r arp 096 0 174 🔎
Original:ct 8r arp 096 0 174 🔎
Descr: Pioneer Audio ct_8r_arp_096_0_174.pdf
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(D rrloNEerl' ORDERNO. ARP-096-0 KU, KC, HE, I I HB, HP, D, D/G ! r In CT'8R,a one'chiplC (PA30121 incorporated the DOLBY NR circuitwith thefollowingserialNo. is in Typo Serial No. KU 3607001 KC 3401001 HE 8403601 HB 8500401 HP 8600201 D 9302401 D/G 9301 01 1 I For the contents other than those described in this additional service manual,please the original see servicemanual. r The Part No. of the P.C.boardwaschanged follows: as :- Mother Assembly DOLBY NR Ascembly Sub Amp Assembly MIC Amp Arsembly \_Boara --.-\ Type otd Now old New otd New old New KU KC HE Rwx-551 HB RWX-535 RWX-578 and RWX-579 RWF.O97 RWF.102 RWF.O99 RWF-103 HP RWX.547 D D/G C o n t i n u e d o n p a g e2 PICINEEFI ELECTFTCINIC CCIFIPC|FIATICIN 4-1, Mesuno 1-chome, Mesuno-ku, Tokyo 1s3, Japan FICINEEFI ELECTFICINIEA luBAl tNc. 19P5 E. Dominguez St., Long Beach, Catifonnia gOE}lo U.S.A. ltloNEEFl ELEcrRCrNlc [EuFropEl N.v. Luirhagen-Heven s, aoeo Anrwenp, Betgium P|oNEEFI ELECTFIGINICB AUETHALIA PTY. l-lD,. tze-ta4 Boundany Ftoad, Bnaeside, vicrotria 3195, Ausrnatia YZ O M A Y . 1 9 8 2 P r i n t e di n j a p a n Continued from page 1 Headphones Amp Assambly Po

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