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Samsung samsung cb5020t free download

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File name:samsung_cb5020t.rar
[preview samsung cb5020t]
Size:1722 kB
Model:samsung cb5020t 🔎
Original:samsung cb5020t 🔎
Descr: Samsung TV samsung_cb5020t.rar
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File name samsung_cb5020t.rar

COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER Chassis : SCT13B Model: CB5020T4X/XEC CB5320T4X/AMF CB5020T4X/XEP CB5320T4X/XEC CB5020T4X/XET CB5320T4X/XET COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER CONTENTS 1. Precautions 2. Specifications and IC Data 3. Disassembly and Reassembly 4. Alignment and Adjustment 5. Troubleshooting 6. Exploded View and Parts List 7. Electric Parts List 8. Block Diagram 9. PCB Layout Diagram 10. Wiring Diagram 11. Schematic Diagrams ELECTRONICS

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