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File name: | Tektronix_FG501_Function_Generator_sm.pdf [preview Tektronix FG501 Function Generator sm] |
Size: | 7182 kB |
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Mfg: | Tektronix |
Model: | Tektronix FG501 Function Generator sm 🔎 |
Original: | Tektronix FG501 Function Generator sm 🔎 |
Descr: | Tektronix FG501 Tektronix_FG501_Function_Generator_sm.pdf |
Group: | Electronics > Other |
Uploaded: | 27-03-2020 |
User: | Anonymous |
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File name Tektronix_FG501_Function_Generator_sm.pdf . . . . .. . .. Tektro nbc CO MMITT ED TO E XC E LLE N CE FUNCTION GENERATOR 1 INSTRUCTION M ANUAL Te k tro n i x , Inc . . . Box 500 B eaverto n , Oregon 97077 Serial N u mber F irst p ri n ti n g A u g u st 972 070-1431-01 is warranted against detecfit" meAc'-iw .i and c vvorkt rmal use, for a iniflal shipment, nix will repair or replace, at its op produccis determined to be defecUve within the wana avd rv- ? urnpd, freight prepaid., to ix Servicx? !^ ; , wof I 01i Y V% fitness k1i Please direct all requests for service or replacement parts to the nearest Tektron nter or Field Office, include the type or timber r product and its serial number . Copyright -) 1972, 1978 by Tektronix. reserved . Contents of this publication may not be duced in any form without the permissio ektronix, I Products of Tektronix, inc. and its subsidiaries ar ;a covered by U .S . and foreign patents and/or pending patents. TEKTRONIX, TEK, SCOPE-MOBILE, TELEQWPMENT, and are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. Printed in U.S .A . Specification and price change privNeges are reserved . TABLE F CO N T EN TS ,. Page SECTIO N 1 OPERATI N G INST RU CTIO NS 1-1 SECTIO N 2 SPECI FICATIO N AND PERF O RM ANCE C HE CK 2-1 WA RN ING , THE FOLL OWI N G SERVICIN G I N STRU CTIO N S AR E FOR U S E BY QUA L I FI E D PER- SO NNEL ONL Y. TO A VOID PERSONAL I NJUR Y, DO NOT PERFORM ANY SERVICIN G OTHER THAN THAT CO N TAINED IN OPERATING I NSTRU CTIO N S UNLE SS YO U A RE QUAL I FI ED TO DO SO . SECTIO N 3 AD JU ST MENT 3-1 SECTIO N 4 M AI NTEN AN CE AND I NTERFACING I NF ORM ATION 4-1 SECTIO N 5 CI R CUIT DE SC RI PTION 5-1 S ECTIO N 6 O PTIONS 6-1 SECTIO N 7 REPL AC EABLE ELECTRICAL PARTS 7-1 SECTIO N 8 DIAG RAM AN D CI RCUIT B OA RD I LLUST RATIO N 8-1 SECTIO N 9 REPLAC EABLE ME CHANICAL PARTS AN D EXPLOD ED V IEW 9-1 I C HAN GE NF ORM ATIO N Fi |
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