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Now downloading free:Schneider STV 3242F 32\" Widescreen TV

Schneider STV 3242F 32\" Widescreen TV free download

TV - Conventional CRT, LCD Projectors, TFT, Plasma, Big Screen, HDTV, Home theater - Service manuals, repair tips

File information:
File name:STV3242servicemenu.txt
Size:0 kB
Model:STV 3242F 32\" Widescreen TV 🔎
Descr:Service Menu Access Go to Menu Move cursor to install (don\'t go there) Hit 4725 to remotecontrol Now you are in service mode (if you want to adjust screen position or correct it hit now green button in remote) then just adjust image
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name STV3242servicemenu.txt

Service Menu Access Go to Menu Move cursor to install (don't go there) Hit 4725 to remotecontrol Now you are in service mode (if you want to adjust screen position or correct it hit now green button in remote) then just adjust image

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27-10-2004THX110I'ts Work

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