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Philips philipsg110 free download

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Philips G110 TV Repair Database Philips Check C2366 (100 nF; 4822 122 33496). G110 At times no picture. Philips Check capacitor C2366 (100 nF; 4822 122 33496). G110 At times no synchronization. Philips Check and replace C 2509 (4822 124 40244) G110 Bottom fold over Philips G110 Brightness too high/fly-back line visible Check/replace IC 7465 (TEA 5101A/P; 4822 209 73832) Check/replace R3375 (180 Ohm; 4822 111 30542) Philips CHECK - D6612 , 6614 ( CHECK DRIVE WAVEFORM TO BUT11 , SWITCH ON DELAY PROBABLY G110 BUT11AF S.C. AFTER P.SUPP KIT FITTED AND SET RUN I MISSING ) Philips Replace U 1003 (4822 212 23371) non TOP G110 Characters wrong Replace U 1003 (4822 212 23519) Philips G110 CHOPPER + LINE TRANSISTORS SC C2546 8n2 2kv Philips G110 Chopper tr blows at sw on even after fitting kit OK if mains wound up slowly - check on/off sw & Positor in degaussing cct Philips G110 Chopper tr blows in st/by - ok when ON D6646, D6649, Tr7655, Tr7656 & Tr7654 cleared the problem Philips Fit mod - 2 x BYD73B diodes in series between b - e of BUT18AF (anode to base). Make sure Tr7654 is BC817 G110 Chopper Tr BUT18AF fails periodically not BC845 Philips Remove: R3433 and R3430. Modify: R3431 into 100 kohm (4822 051 10404). Add: R3428 - 180 ohm (4822 051 G110 Colour drifts to the right using t

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