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Now downloading free:Philips philips brilliance-181as tft fm8000 a3km087

Philips philips brilliance-181as tft fm8000 a3km087 free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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Model:philips brilliance-181as tft fm8000 a3km087 🔎
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File name philips_brilliance-181as_tft_fm8000_a3km087.pdf

Manufacturer Philips Model Brilliance 181AS Type 18L8025Q/00C Chassis FM8000 FCCID A3KM087 Symptom: Complete failure, probably smell of burned plastic / PCB Cause: One or more of C2909, C2936 and C2939 (100u 16V tantalum) are shorted due to over voltage condition in suspend mode, at least in models with IC7905 not installed. The +12V rail rises to more than 20 volts without load causing failure of the tantalum capacitors. A 4.7k resistor across this supply keeps the rail well below 14 volts. One unit has successfully been repaired using two (instead of three) low ESR 100u 25V aluminium electrolytic capacitors (see picture).

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