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Pioneer sa 530 arp 104 0 784 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:sa_530_arp_104_0_784.pdf
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Model:sa 530 arp 104 0 784 🔎
Original:sa 530 arp 104 0 784 🔎
Descr: Pioneer Audio sa_530_arp_104_0_784.pdf
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(DrrloNeerl ORDERNO. ARP-104-0 STEREOAMPLIFIER SA-53CI MODEL SA-530COMESIN SIX VERSIONSDISTINGUISHED FOLLOWS: AS Typ Volt3! Remarka KU AC l20V only U.S.A.model s AC 110V, 120V,220V and240V (Switchable) General export model AC 240V only Australia model HE AC 22OV and 24OV (Switchable) Europemodel Hg AC 22OV and 240V (Switchable) United Kingdom model HEZ AC 22OV and 24OV lswitchable) WestGermanymodl r This servicemanualis applicable the KU type. Whenrepairing S. yp, HE, HB and HEZ types, to the please page2(F 26. see o Ce manueld'instruction serefdreau modede r69lage, fangais. en . Estemanualde serviciotrata del m6todo de aiusteescritoen espafrol. CONTENTS 1. S P E C | F T C A T T.O.N.S. . . . . . . . 9. P . C B O A R D S O N N E C T I OD I A G R A M , C N l0 2. F R O N T A N E LF A C I L I T I E S . . P . 10. S C H E M A T ID I A G R A I \ 4 C 13 3. PARTSLOCATION 4 11. PARTS IST... L 15 4. D I S A S S E M B L Y O C E D U R E. . PR S 12. A O J U S T M E N T.S. . . 17 5. B L O C KD I A G R A M 6 REGLAGE 18 6. C t R C U t T E S C R T P T T O. N. S D . . . 6 ADJUSTE 19 7. E X P L O D EV I E W .. . D

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