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Now downloading free:TOSHIBA SD-4980SC SU

TOSHIBA SD-4980SC SU free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:SD-4980SC_SU.rar
[preview SD-4980SC SU]
Size:662 kB
Model:SD-4980SC SU 🔎
Original:SD-4980SC SU 🔎
Descr: TOSHIBA Audio SD-4980 SU SD-4980SC_SU.rar
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File name SD-4980SC_SU.rar

FILE NO. 810-200555 SERVICE MANUAL DVD VIDEO PLAYER SD-4980SC SD-4980SU July, 2005 A DOCUMENT CREATED IN JAPAN, July, 2005 PARTS LIST Location TSB P/N Reference No. Description No. AH700347 043-000168-000 REMOTE CONTROL HANDSET SE-R0168 (C.G), w/o WEEE MARK (PbF) AH700348 122-004220-120 AV CABLE1.2M COAXIAL AH700349 122-005020-005 HDMI CABLE 1500mm (For TC Version) AH700351 811-498091-010 MANUAL - English (For TC Version) AH700352 811-498091-020 MANUAL - French (For TC Version) AH700353 811-498091-030 MANUAL - Spanish (For TU Version) AH700354 811-498091-040 MANUAL - English (For TU Version) SAFETY PRECAUTION The parts identified by mark are critical for safety. Replace only with part number specified. The mounting position of replacement is to be identical with originals. The substiute replacement parts which do not have the same safety characteristics as specified in the parts list may create shock, fire or other hazards. IN-WARRANTY SERVICE In-Warranty service for the SD4980 DVD Player is fulfilled via product exchange. Contact Toshiba Customer Solutions for instructions: 1-866-583-7353 1-1, SHIBAURA 1-CHOME, MINATO- KU, TOKYO 105-8001, JAPAN

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