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Now downloading free:LG Projetor+LG BS254 BX254 BX324

LG Projetor+LG BS254 BX254 BX324 free download

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Model:Projetor+LG BS254 BX254 BX324 🔎
Original:Projetor+LG BS254 BX254 BX324 🔎
Descr: LG Beamer BS254, BX254, BX324
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Delta Elec. Inc. BS254 & BX254 & BX324 rev.06 DATA PROJECTOR BS254 & BX254 & BX324 SERVICE MANUAL Company Confidential LGE_______________________ Delta____________ 1 2011/06/16 Delta Elec. Inc. BS254 & BX254 & BX324 rev.06 CONTENTS 1.COMPLIANCE OF SAFE REPAIR...4 1-1.Caution During Disassembling And Assembling...4 1-2.Lamp... 4 1-3.Lens...4 2.SPECIFICATIONS...5 2-1.Summary Specifications... 5 2-2.I/O Ports Illustration...7 2-3.Top view-on screen Display (OSD) buttons and LEDS... 8 2-4. Rear view...10 2-5. Bottom view...11 2-6. Remote Control Parts...12 2-7. Inserting the Remote Control Batteries...14 2-8. Block Diagram... 15 3.TROUBLE SHOOTING... 16 4.DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY... 24 5.Flash Upgrade Flow... 37 5-1. Projector RS-232 Drivers Installation Guide...37 5-2. DLP Projector Flash-Tool (firmware) User Guide...42 5-3. Started with Download...43 5-4.Starting and Shutting down the Projector...49 5-5.Setting an Access Password (Security Lock)...

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