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AOC manual servico tv lcd aoc d26w931 free download

LCD Liquid crystal display TVs

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[preview manual servico tv lcd aoc d26w931]
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Model:manual servico tv lcd aoc d26w931 🔎
Original:manual servico tv lcd aoc d26w931 🔎
Descr: AOC LCD D26W931
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26&31.5&42LCD TV AOC D26(32)W931/LC32W053/LC42H053 Service Service Service Horizontal Frequency 31~60 KHz TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Page Description Page Table of Contents...1 6.4 IR Board...41 Important Safety Notice...2 6.5 LVDS to FFC Board...43 Revision List...3 7. Adjustment...44 1. General Specification...4 8. Block Diagram...46 2. Operating Instructions...5 9. Schematic Diagram...48 3. Input/Output Specification...6 9.1 Main Board...48 4. Mechanical Instructions...9 9.2 Power Board...65 5. Repair Flow Chart ...18 9.3 Key Board...73 6. PCB Layout ...25 9.4 IR Board...75 6.1 Main Board...25 9.5 LVDS to FFC Board...78 6.2 Power Board...27 10. Exploded View...79 6.3 Key Board...41 11. BOM List...87 SAFETY NOTICE ANY PERSON ATTEMPTING TO SERVICE THIS CHASSIS MUST FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE CHASSIS AND BE AWARE OF THE NECESSARY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TO BE USED WHEN SERVICING ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT CONTAINING HIGH VOLTAGES. CAUTION: USE A SEPARATE ISOLATION TRANSFOMER FOR THIS UNIT WHEN SERVICING 1 Important Safety Notice Proper serv

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