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HP HP dv4000 free download

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File name:HP_dv4000.rar
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Model:HP dv4000 🔎
Original:HP dv4000 🔎
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5 4 3 2 1 Model CT3/5 MB BOARD MODEL REV CHANGE LIST Page FROM TO CT3/5 MB 1A PAGE 2 --- Enable CLK48M from clokc generator for the PLL circuit of 7411, and disable the 1 1A ocsillator circuit of PCI7411 PLL. 2 1A 2A 31CT3MB0015 PAGE 3 --- Remove H/W shutdown circuit that supported ADM1032. D 31CT3MB0031 3 1A 2A D PAGE 4 --- Use X7R type to replace Y5V type for CPU Decoupling/Bypass capacitor. 4 1A 2A PAGE 10 --- Add a terminal resistor R706 for -CODE_RST# to improve signal quality. 5 1A PAGE 11 --- 1. Add a 10K pull-up resistor on MCH_SYNC# for booting. 2. Change the power plane of PCIE_WAKE# from 3VSUS to 3V_S5 to solve system can't 6 1A turn off issue. 7 1A 3. Change the power plane of ICH_THRM# and SCI_# from 3VSUS to +3V to reduce leakage. 8 1A PAGE 12 --- We can also use 5VSUS to instead of 5V_S5 to save cost of MOSFET(A06402). 9 1A PAGE 15 --- Add a level-shift cicuit for EDID interface. 10 1A 2A PAGE 17 --- 1. Add a off-page and a EMI solution for CLK48M. 11 1A 2A 2. Remove the reserve resistors (R693~R695) of parallel interface for PCI1510. 12 1A 2A PAGE 18 --- Remove R696,

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