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Now downloading free:HP SCHEMATIC hp pavilion dv 6700

HP SCHEMATIC hp pavilion dv 6700 free download

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File name:SCHEMATIC_hp_pavilion_dv_6700.rar
[preview SCHEMATIC hp pavilion dv 6700]
Size:1237 kB
Model:SCHEMATIC hp pavilion dv 6700 🔎
Original:SCHEMATIC hp pavilion dv 6700 🔎
Descr: HP HP_COMPAQ HP_DV6700 SCHEMATIC_hp_pavilion_dv_6700.rar
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name SCHEMATIC_hp_pavilion_dv_6700.rar

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 04-- 0402 footprint PCB STACK UP LAYER 1 : TOP 06-- 08-- 12-- 0603 footprint 0805 footprint 1206 footprint AT3 BLOCK DIAGRAM 01 LAYER 2 : SGND1 F-- 1% tolerance CPU THERMAL CPU SENSOR A LAYER 3 : IN1 Merom 14.318MHz A PAG 5 LAYER 4 : IN2 478P (uPGA)/35W LAYER 5 : VCC PAG 3,4 CLK_CPU_BCLK,CLK_CPU_BCLK# CLK_MCH_BCLK,CLK_MCH_BCLK# CLOCK GEN LAYER 6 : IN3 DREFCLK,DREFCLK# ICS9LPRS355AGLFT 64pinsTSSOP LAYER 7 : SGND2 DREFSSCLK,DREFSSCLK#

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