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Now downloading free:panasonic SA-HT80

panasonic SA-HT80 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:SA-HT80.rar
[preview SA-HT80]
Size:23695 kB
Model:SA-HT80 🔎 SAHT80
Original:SA-HT80 🔎
Descr: panasonic Audio SA-HT80 SA-HT80.rar
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name SA-HT80.rar

For Authorised Service Agents Only Ref No: 0109200SHR Date: 07/10/2009 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Created by Panasonic UK - Service Group Document Category: Knowledge Base Subject: Service hints Model(s) Affected: SC-DV150EB SC-DV170EB SC-HT80EB SL-DV150EB SL-DV170EB SA-HT80EB Problem / Issue DVD repair hints Solution: See Repair Procedure on attached "Multimedia". For recent models, ie DVDRA71, DVDRA61, DVDRV41, DVDRV31, DVDLV60, DVDPV40, SAHT70 and SLHDV600 etc please refer to the Service Manuals as self-diagnostics have now evolved! NB For these more recent models, it is advisable to use the latest Recovery Disc. Search under Recovery Disc for latest part numbers and listing of appropriate models. DVD Repair Procedure Please use the following procedures to simplify DVD repairs for UK designated units. 1) Check the region display-see below for procedure-the units display should flash up "2 P6" at the beginning of the display. DVD-L10 shows the information in a different order: "P6 2". The "2" indicates the region (2 for UK) while the "P6" indicates a PAL60 output with an NTSC disc. On models where the TV system output can be selected, DVD-A160 & DVD-A360, when NTSC is selected, the display will show "2 Pn" which indicates raw PAL or NTSC will be output depending on the disc. As Panasonic cannot condone the alteration of players to enable playback of discs designated for other regions only, we can only advise returning these players to the customers while informing them that their manufacturer's warranty has been invalidated. 2) Re-initialise the unit as described below. NB Do not attempt this if the unit has been modified as the change in system control information may result in the unit not playing back any discs! 3) Check the jitter rate as described below. The display will show "Jit" and three figures. The figures equate to a percentage which can be calculated by dividing by 10, the lower the better. Eg "Jit 082" indicates a jitter rate of 8.2%. This will remain displayed throughout the disc. To return to normal operation, power off then back on again. For second generation machines, DVD-A150, DVD-A350,

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